Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Spring 2008 Radio Dram Project Guideline

Spring 2008
Radio Dram Project Guideline

Radio Drama Grading

Chinese -10%
sound and voice quality +content 2%
Pronunciation+intonation + background questions 5%
Creativity+ Performance 2%
Visual Aid 1%

  1. Group up and prepare for your Radio Drama.
  2. Find out the radio drama scrip from Schedule.
  3. Listen to it for 5 times and practice it for 10 times and tape record it.
  4. You have 5minutes for your Radio Drama.
  5. On the day you present, your tape will be played and you will perform on the stage by
  6. using body language to demonstrate your drama .
  7. At the end of your drama, please make up some questions about your drama to your audience.
  8. If you are absent or late for your presentation, you are not allowed to do it.
  10. No Chinese during your presentation
  11. Turn in Self evaluation form and peer feedback form.

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